
Progressions from Web 2.0

Image from Marc Cantor http://marc.blogs.it/

The usage of the internet has gone from Web 1.0 - The Single user to Single Website - to Web2.0 - the use of inter-connected social networking blogs, wikis, miniblogs, photoblogs, podcasts and RSS feeds. This illustrates the resurgence and realization that the human need for interaction and cooperative function has never gone away.

We are starting to realize that living life as a single entity wrapped up in the stresses of our miserable little lives with the weight of the world on our shoulders is having hugely negative affect on our mental and physical health.

A lot of you reading this are going to realize where the next stepping stone is. Yep, that’s right, ladies and gentlemen, coworking. We have reached a point where the stopping point of virtually surrounding ourselves with our online buddies has made us even more lonely.

Case in Point:

[geekieboy] yo dude, thx for helping me with this.. sorry it took so long solving that issue, you know how txt is.

[servergod] np dude, was gr8 working w/you

[geekieboy] yeah wow.. that took it out of me.. I need a beer. Catch U l8r!

* geekieboy has left chat

[servergod] wow, beer sounds great. Yeah.. umm l8r.


We have lonely stares and neck strain from cubicles caused by passing visitors to our lonely Cubetown.

We have Tech Entrepreneur Guy on his laptop drinking his 5th uberlatte in the Wedon’tgiveoutnofreewifi BurntCoffee R Us trying to talk on his cell phone to a potential client while shrill toddlers demand a cuppa choc’late milk in the background.

I think you get my point.

So the next step? Coworking. Your own social network within an arms reach. Productivity skyrockets. Your health improves. You have little stress. There are fireworks! Most of your peers now have faces, not Buddy Icons.

Ok, I think I exaggerated with the whole fireworks thing. But this progression is not limited to one town or one city or even one country. This is worldwide and there is a coworking center in most of the major cities. Exciting stuff, don’t you think?

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