

I decided to research the relationship of Social Networks to the Dune Series by author Frank Herbert. I found an article called Dune Genesis, by Frank Herbert:
He reveals that the scarcity of water is an analogy for the oil shortage and CHOAM is OPEC. Considering he wrote Dune in the 1960's, that is pretty amazing. Although I have read Dune about 10 times, it is time for a re-read. Also, relating to my previous post, Dune illustrates that our instincts (hunter-gatherer, anyone?) shape behavior and society.

But I digress a bit. What is interesting is what he writes here:

Each limiting descriptive step you take drives your vision outward into a larger universe which is contained in still a larger universe ad infinitum, and in the smaller universes ad infinitum. No matter how finely you subdivide time and space, each tiny division contains infinity.

But this could imply that you can cut across linear time, open it like a ripe fruit, and see consequential connections. You could be prescient, predict accurately. Predestination and paradox once more.

The flaw must lie in our methods of description, in languages, in social networks of meaning, in moral structures, and in philosophies and religions-all of which convey implicit limits where no limits exist.

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