
We aren't going to take it anymore!

Wow. Excellent post from the NotanMBA team blog! Not that we would expect anything less but this is a must-read. This is part II of a series called Nomads and Power and discusses how corporate nurturing has led us away from our ancestral origins as hunter-gatherers and in doing so, reminds us how we have been led down a sedentary path called the Social Cage which is leading to our downfall as a species.

I agree; we can no longer follow this path of relentless work. NotanMBA points us toward the work of Nigel Nicholson, a Professor of Organisational Behavior at the London Business School. I love this quote of his: “You can take the humans out of the Stone Age, but you can’t take the Stone Age out of humans.”(n.)

If you want more, follow NotanMBA on Twitter and join their Google Group. Thank you guys for another great post!

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